<aside> 💡 We take great care of the information you share with us. Any data shared with Silvr is secured during transfer and storage using the most robust encryption methods available. Our access is read-only, and at no time can we modify or share the information you entrust to us.


Setting up

  1. Log into your Shopware backend space

  2. From your menu on the upper part of your page, click Configuration

  3. From the drop down menu, click on User administration

    Capture d’écran 2023-06-05 à 10.56.08 (1).png

Configuring Silvr’s Role

  1. Click on the Roles tab and then click on the button Add role

    Capture d’écran 2023-06-05 à 18.32.39.png

  2. Click Save, then close the User administration window

  3. Reopen the User Administration window again by repeating the first step

  4. Once you’ve opened the User administration window, click on the Resources & permissions tab

  5. Check off the following boxes to allow Reading permissions

    Capture d’écran 2023-06-05 à 18.37.18.png

  6. Click Save role

Generating your API Key

  1. Now, from the same window, switch over to the User management tab and click on Add user

  2. Add in the name of your chosen user on the User name bar, such as “Naomi” or “Ryan.”

  3. Check off the Enabled box under the API access section

    <aside> 📌 Once you click Save, your Shopware changes will take effect. Note that you will receive a randomly generated API access key which you will need to copy and provide to Silvr, along with your user name. If it is not working, you might need to clear the backend chache and make sure every user is logged out. Once you log back in, your changes will take effect.
